Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Now with MORE sprinkles!

I typed up another down post yesterday, but held it back. Suffice it to say: period angst. I'm not used to having one, since I didn't for almost 2 years while I was trying to get pregnant, then another 19 months while I was pregnant and breastfeeding, and then while I figured out my birth control, it just didn’t seem like anything. Now stress and/or magic-office-PMS-syncing has it all out of control. I'm out of my mind with hormonal crazy.

Moving on. With that has come insatiable hunger. I conditionally gave in last night and gave myself permission to consume, as long as I have vegetables and fruit accompanying the chocolate and pasta or whatever. (Peas aren't free. WHYYY aren't peas free?) I'm convinced that further self-denial this week will result in someone's death or Bobby making me move back to my Mom's. I can be a raving lunatic, angry at everyone for their unreasonable habit of eating several times every day. Or I can just relax, do what I need too to get through it without casualties, and then move on. I’m not forgetting anything I’ve learned about responsible eating, and I’m confident I can still make better choices even if I don’t completely abstain. In times past, this kind of mental crisis probably would have ended with me making and eating an entire pan of double-fudge, ganache-filled brownies by myself.

Even with the angel food cake binge, I was down .2 lbs, and I’ll take that over a gain any day. We'll see how the rest of the week goes, but I’m not worrying about it anymore.

Weird time for an NSV – the pants I was so happy about fitting into a month or so ago won’t stay up today. (The first pair. There was a second pair last week; those are still tight.) I think I’m going to check my measurements again this weekend. I also turned down a free fountain Coke yesterday; didn’t even ask if they had Coke Zero.

Protein shake experiment of the week: I added a little bit of almond extract to my mix. It wasn’t quite as rich as with the peanut butter I tried last week, but it was a lot lower fat. I want to try cocoa powder and cherry extract next, I think.

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