Wednesday, January 27, 2010

3 Months and already enormous!

Katie finally got to go to the doctor today. She's 3 months old and almost 13 lbs. She got 4 shots, and cried, but she calmed down more quickly than when she got the one shot by itself. She's got a bit of a fever from them, but no other reaction. A little grumpy, a little sleepy. Nothing out of the ordinary, I suppose, though it all seems extraordinary.

She's getting so big though, I'm going to have to move her from the bassinet to the crib very soon. I hope it's not too strange for her; I've gotten used to a full night's sleep!

Bobby and I are going to Sherlock Holmes this weekend and I'm really excited! Date.. afternoon. =D

Monday, January 18, 2010

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bath Splashes

Let's just assume that all my posts begin with, "My baby is cuter than any other baby. Ever." Then I don't have to type it every time and feel like a dumbass. Because of course I think so.

Anyway. I just started bathing Katie, because it took forever for her umbilical stump to fall off, and I didn't want it to get wet. Tonight, I put her in the big tub with me, and she had a fantastic time kicking her legs and splashing and squealing. It was just so wonderful. I called Bobby in, and he ran for the camera. I've never seen her so animated before.