My girlie
Looking pretty for her 3 week photo
One of my favorites
Just born
Me, mid contraction.
Just home, Bella investigates (and flees)
Jack is also curious
Woo! And she sleeps! All right, all the fun details. After much debate, we finally decided to name her Katherine Inara and call her Katie. I've always loved both names, and Bobby likes the diminutive and agreed that Katherine would be better when she's 20 something and sending out resumes. In the hospital I started calling her Kate Monster after the character in Avenue Q and it's kind of sticking.
She was 7lbs 4oz at birth and gained 10 oz in 10 days. If the trend has continued, she should be about 8 and a half lbs now. She was 19" long. My mom thinks she has big feet. I disagree.
See? Perfect. I think she has Bobby's ears and my toes. Bobby's lips and my hairline (widow's peak). She doesn't look like me, Bobby or baby me, but she does look a little like baby Bobby. My favorite thing so far is sometimes when she sneezes, she yells afterward. It's like she feels another sneeze or it felt good, so she makes the sound, but there's no sneeze attached. So it's "Atchoo! ....Aaaaa!" It's a really happy sound and totally adorable. Bobby and I crack up every time.
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