Wednesday, November 25, 2009

1 month tomorrow!

Katie is one month old and I'm one month post-surgery tomorrow. To celebrate, I shaved my legs. Wooo! My leg hair was seriously long enough to spin into yarn and make something. Sexy, huh? On that note, Bobby and I have had sex twice. It was also not sexy, since I was petrified it would hurt and super tense the whole time. It did hurt a little, but I think it was more because I was tense and not exactly into it than any unhealed internal stuffish.

Saturday I developed a breast infection. It wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been; I've heard horrible stories. I have a low fever Sunday, but was feeling better Monday and pretty much fine Tuesday. Hopefully I don't get another one. They're both a little sore, but I think it's mostly just the new stresses of being filled and emptied constantly. Breastfeeding is no joke, people.

I need to go to the grocery store, but I was supposed to go with my mom. However, the later it gets, the crazier the store is going to be. I went at noon on Monday, and it was already pretty busy. Normally, no big deal, but I am kind of paranoid about the baby around a lot of strangers because of the flu (hell, I'd flip if she caught a cold right now). Also, she can be a little unpredictable on outings, especially the kind involving long lines. Screaming one month old in a crowd of impatient people? Ugh.

So what fills my days now? Bones, What Not to Wear, and NCIS. I've never watched so much television in my life. I could read, but I have a hard time focusing/staying awake. TV is just easier.

I had more to say, but it's already taken me most of the day to write this much and now it's Katie's fussy time. So.. yeah. I'm going to go spend the next 3 hours rocking and humming and bouncing and swinging and intermittently breastfeeding. Woohoo.

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