Saturday, September 5, 2009

You're getting very sleepy..

It's getting harder and harder to sleep (and drive. and reach the keyboard. and eat. etc ad nauseum). I do okay napping during the day, but I just can't get comfortable at night. I finally figured out the strange rhythmic sensation down low is hiccups. As soon as the thought occurred to me, I couldn't believe I hadn't figured it out before. It seemed so obvious! I can't figure out what's up though. (Literally, up.) My doctor says the baby's head is low, which is why I feel the hiccups right by my kidney. But there's something rounded that she sticks up right between my rips. I always assumed it was her head, since it's so hard and round. Maybe her butt? I don't know, but I sure wish she'd cut it out; it's very uncomfortable.

I think we've picked a name! The first one wasn't even on any of our original lists, but Bobby decided Evelyn was too old lady and didn't like any of the alternatives we came up with. Finally, he told me he'd be okay with Kate or Katie as a nickname for Katherine. We talked and talked about it before he came to that conclusion, but it's definitely a relief. I was afraid we'd be bickering about it in the labor & delivery room. So, the spawn might be known as Katherine (Katie) Inara in the future. My mom dislikes Inara, but I don't care.

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