Friday, December 30, 2011

Poor Decision Machine: "I'm not getting a hashbrown or orange juice AND they're only a dollar."

So I may as well get 3, right? They're small, probably about 3 or 4 points each.

And then I ate all three while waiting for my computer to boot and download all my email. THEN I put them in the tracker.

So that's how I could only have 5 points left for the entire day before 8 AM. Well done.

Short of turning bulemic, however, there's nothing I can do about calories already injested. On the menu today: fruit, carrots and vegetable soup. Whoops. Stupid burritos didn't taste THAT good. (Must remember this moment for next time I feel a McDonald's weakness on the way to the office.)

There's got to be other people who've done this, yeah? I CAN make it through the day on 5 points, right? /headdesk                       

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