Monday, November 21, 2011

A Little Less is Still a Loss

I was a little underwhelmed by the number on the scale this morning, but I'm trying to be positive. I lost .4 lbs, rounding it out to a total of 4 lbs lost in 2 weeks. Which is great! I was just hoping for more.

I stayed within my points (had 35 weeklies left), but wasn't super with the GHGs. I hit my water goal 3 days of 7, which was 3 days better than the week before. I went to the gym 4 days and worked out each day at least 30 minutes, most for 60. I know I did well, and that it just isn't a numbers week (or day, even). I feel bloated today, so that may be a little of why. I know that there's also room for a lot of improvement, so it's not like I'm stuck either.

This week will be rough. I *love* Thanksgiving dinner. Stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, pie.. OMG, yes. I can't give it up. But, I CAN eat in moderation. I don't have to stuff myself. I don't have to eat fast, like it might escape me. (Though that's partially so that I CAN eat before the Kate Time Bomb goes off, no excuses! If she needs me, she does, and I can come back to the table later IF I'm still hungry. Which, if I'm honest with myself? I probably won't be.)

I'm going to pick one desert, not sample each. I'm going to only eat my favorites, and not take anything "to be polite." Candied yams shall not pass these lips! String bean casserole, no thanks! I'm also going to take good things for me to munch on - veggie plate and a fruit salad. I can do this, and I can do it again at Christmas! I've done a lot of things I'm proud of in 25 years, why can't I control my appetite? No reason at all.

We're going to the gym tonight. I'll be joining the TEAM Weightloss class officially, then working out with them Mondays and Saturdays. On Thursday, I'm swapping a night for TEAM Fitness weights. On Wednesday, flow yoga, my dearest friend and enemy.

So, bring it Week 3! I've got this.

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