My friend from Las Vegas, Matt, came in on Thursday and stayed through yesterday. It was really nice to see him and have him here, but I have to say, keeping him entertained was exhausting! I think I caught up last night though: I slept a solid 12 hours. Sleep is good.
We explored more of the entertainment offerings of the city than we have by ourselves, so that was a lot of fun. I think I may make a point of planning occasional outings I think Bobby might enjoy, just to get us out of the house. I took Matt to Chick Fil A for lunch when he first arrived, then to the Willowbend Mall. We did some exploring (and I bought more bubble bath, squee) before heading to the grocery store for dinner fixins. We made fajitas, which made Bobby really happy.
On Friday, I'm drawing a blank. How strange! Oh, right. We went for Bento Box with my mom for lunch. The first place we went, Shogun Sushi, is a favorite of mine, but they were having construction related difficulties, so we went somewhere else. It was decent, but I don't remember the name, and Shogun Sushi is both better and closer. After that, we went to Frisco to visit the Stonebriar Mall and had fun wandering. Then to Target before I was in desperate need of a nap. I snoozed (kinda) until Bobby came home, and then we went to Studio Movie Grill to see Year One. We were all pretty unimpressed by the movie, but Matt really liked the concept (dinner and a movie, all at once) which was what we wanted. We hung out at the house for a while, then headed to the Inwood Theatre for a midnight showing of Clue in the Lovesac theatre. I'd been wanting to go for a while, so I was glad of the excuse. Matt was excited about getting to drink a Rum & Coke in the movie theatre while sitting in a lovesac armchair. The movie was good, too.
On Saturday, I slept in. We took Matt to the Ethiopian restaurant for lunch, which is our favorite to take visitors. Matt seemed to like it, and we were all super stuffed for the rest of the day. We browsed the Galleria Mall, and Bobby got a new pair of sunglasses. He's only been looking for 2 years! Afterwards, we headed home again to lounge around a bit. We'd gotten a late start, so it was already fairly late. Matt and Bobby talked music for a while, and then we collected my stepbrother and headed out to go see the Lollie Bombs, a local burlesque act. My cousin, Jessica, was in line and seated right next to us, so we got to say hi. Everyone seemed to enjoy it, even if Matt thinks Forty Deuce is better. Also, the Pocket Sandwich Theatre has really good cheescake. =D
Sunday, we all slept in, then headed to La Hacienda to get Matt some Tex Mex. I don't think he liked his food much, but he enjoyed mine! (I can't eat so much these days, so I was happy to share.) After lunch, we went south of Dallas to the Soda Gallery. It was really neat, and I'd never been to that area of town, so it was cool to see. The boys each got a chocolate soda and I had a bottle of sarsparilla. We intended to go to the Dallas World Aquarium after that, but they were closing in another 40 minutes, so we just drove around downtown instead, so Matt could see the buildings. He seemed to like it; it's very different from Vegas. After that, I was feeling pretty pooped, so we headed home. Eventually, we were hungry again, so we took Matt to one of our favorite Indian restaurants, The Claypit. We got one of our curries a little too hot, but it was still really good. Afterwards, we came home and joked around about Texas and comedians and music before heading to bed.
I woke up really early on Monday, but fell asleep again waiting for Matt to wake up. Then when I woke up again, my head was all muzzy from the extra nap and I had a really hard time getting going again. Once we got out of the house, I bought a Johnny Horton cd and tortured Matt singing along with it. =) We ate lunch at TinStar, which he seemed to like and is always one of my favorites. After that, we headed towards the airport along the "scenic route," so Matt could admire the houses. We ended up at Mockingbird Station, and I went into an office complex for an emergency pee! before we found parking and could shop. Lastly, we went to an Apple store so Matt could make fun of it? or something, then headed to the airport.
I came home, ate a pickle, and crashed on the couch for a while before playing Mario for a little while. I totally ignored the necessity of dinner. Bobby was really unhappy about having to eat canned ravioli's, but he survived. Now to get back in the swing of things! Bobby's parents are coming in two weeks, so I need to get the house spic and span.
My breasts today are really tender and leaky. They haven't been for a couple months, so hopefully it will pass. I'm looking more pregnant than ever, and Bobby (finally) felt the baby move last night. He had his face pressed against my belly and was growling at me. He felt the baby once, but then I couldn't stop laughing, so he couldn't again. I'm meeting my mom in (crap!) three minutes to go swimming, so I should probably go find my suit....... Oh no. Haha.
Adventures in Life: Weight Loss, Fitness, Family Matters and Miscellany, not necessarily in that order
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Pregnant Happiness Is...
Making experimental dessert and having it turn out even better than you imagined. Yummm!
(Dessert was double fudge brownies from a box with raspberry sauce I made from scratch on top.)
(Dessert was double fudge brownies from a box with raspberry sauce I made from scratch on top.)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Getting Pregnant
My friend Elizabeth got me thinking about The Test. So far, all I've really said about the day I found out is that I freaked Bobby out when I called him hysterical at work at 7 in the morning. It's probably something I'd like to remember though, so here it is.
I can't remember exactly what tumblers fell and clicked me into thinking I was pregnant. I know I was planning to ask for a birth control prescription at my next doctor's appointment. But I seemed to go directly from "Hmm, back on the pill, or try something else," to "Oh, fuck, it's too late." And once I started thinking that I was, I started thinking about the fact that my breasts were kind of tender and that I'd been pseudo-nauseous for two weeks. I wasn't thinking about the fact that it'd been almost 2 months since I'd had my period, because it had been induced by drugs, and I'd gone nearly 18 months prior with just two incidents of spotting for a few hours.
Once it had popped into my head, it was stuck. It was about midnight, and Bobby was dead asleep. I snuck into the bathroom and peed in my test cup. (I am totally crap at peeing on sticks, so I designated a cup during the early days of trying, when I was taking a test a week.) It felt different than the 20 times I thought I might be. The last one, I knew. And while I'd watched the little pink or blue lines like a hawk for every test I took before, I couldn't watch the one I knew would be positive. And two minutes later, the test had two of the faintest, barely there pink lines ever. I flipped out about its indecisiveness, thinking it had expired or something, sitting under my sink for 3 months. I wanted to go right out to the pharmacy and get another, get another SIX, but it was late and I couldn't wake up Bobby.
I went upstairs and talked to my friend Nick for a couple hours. Mostly I said the same thing over and over, about how I'd just lost my job, Bobby's work was all hectic, what if I was, what if I wasn't. Nick is awesome about letting me babble on like that, and eventually I was exhausted enough to go to bed and stare at the wall for a while. I got up as soon as Bobby left at 6 something, brushed my hair back, and went to buy more tests.
I got two boxes, but one had a digital sample, so I had three different kinds and took one of each. I couldn't watch those develop either. I sat on the floor in front of the cabinet, watching the clock and taking deep breaths. The results were definitely more conclusive than the midnight pee stick, and I took a picture to keep the proof even though I knew without them. As I dialed Bobby's number I stared at the digital image of my three tests arranged on the bathroom counter: a blue plus sign, two pink lines, and the last just said pregnant. And staring at that picture, I was perhaps less than tactful shouting, "I'm pregnant!" shrilly into the phone before I'd even said hello. It wasn't exactly what I'd imagined on the many hopeful occasions since I'd gone off the pill.
So, that's how I managed to have a pregnancy that was a planned surprise. When it finally happened, I was so positive it wouldn't. Isn't that just the way of things, though?
I can't remember exactly what tumblers fell and clicked me into thinking I was pregnant. I know I was planning to ask for a birth control prescription at my next doctor's appointment. But I seemed to go directly from "Hmm, back on the pill, or try something else," to "Oh, fuck, it's too late." And once I started thinking that I was, I started thinking about the fact that my breasts were kind of tender and that I'd been pseudo-nauseous for two weeks. I wasn't thinking about the fact that it'd been almost 2 months since I'd had my period, because it had been induced by drugs, and I'd gone nearly 18 months prior with just two incidents of spotting for a few hours.
Once it had popped into my head, it was stuck. It was about midnight, and Bobby was dead asleep. I snuck into the bathroom and peed in my test cup. (I am totally crap at peeing on sticks, so I designated a cup during the early days of trying, when I was taking a test a week.) It felt different than the 20 times I thought I might be. The last one, I knew. And while I'd watched the little pink or blue lines like a hawk for every test I took before, I couldn't watch the one I knew would be positive. And two minutes later, the test had two of the faintest, barely there pink lines ever. I flipped out about its indecisiveness, thinking it had expired or something, sitting under my sink for 3 months. I wanted to go right out to the pharmacy and get another, get another SIX, but it was late and I couldn't wake up Bobby.
I went upstairs and talked to my friend Nick for a couple hours. Mostly I said the same thing over and over, about how I'd just lost my job, Bobby's work was all hectic, what if I was, what if I wasn't. Nick is awesome about letting me babble on like that, and eventually I was exhausted enough to go to bed and stare at the wall for a while. I got up as soon as Bobby left at 6 something, brushed my hair back, and went to buy more tests.
I got two boxes, but one had a digital sample, so I had three different kinds and took one of each. I couldn't watch those develop either. I sat on the floor in front of the cabinet, watching the clock and taking deep breaths. The results were definitely more conclusive than the midnight pee stick, and I took a picture to keep the proof even though I knew without them. As I dialed Bobby's number I stared at the digital image of my three tests arranged on the bathroom counter: a blue plus sign, two pink lines, and the last just said pregnant. And staring at that picture, I was perhaps less than tactful shouting, "I'm pregnant!" shrilly into the phone before I'd even said hello. It wasn't exactly what I'd imagined on the many hopeful occasions since I'd gone off the pill.
So, that's how I managed to have a pregnancy that was a planned surprise. When it finally happened, I was so positive it wouldn't. Isn't that just the way of things, though?
Monday, June 1, 2009
Maybe some curly fries?
I'll be halfway done this Thursday. lol, because it's all exact like that and all. But really, I'm starting to feel really impatient/excited. I want to go shopping, but I'll wait until after my baby shower. Everyone seems to be really excited about that part and enthusiastic about the gifts because we didn't have a wedding. I am too, I guess, but I kinda want to get everything settled. Like, for the first day of school, I was always excited about getting all my supplies and settling them into my backpack just right. Same thing, but on a bigger scale. Not to mention, I'm supposed to be nesting or something.
I think I am going to start collecting clothes. Not much, but it's hard to resist now I know what I'm having. I have been buying random packs of diapers, so it's a little less burdensome down the road. Baby wipes too, but.. uh, Bobby stole them. lol.
I joined a meetup group thing for expectant moms of 2009, but all but 3 (of 30, including me) have already had their baby, so they changed it to just a mom group and they do playdates and park runs. =( Cool and all, but I'm missing an important accessory for the kiddie playground. Soo. Pffft on them.
I need to go to the grocery store to find something to perk up my appetite. I bought some sweet potato chips thinking they'd help, but... meh. The best thing I've found for mid day snacking that I actually want is lil smokies and BBQ sauce. I'll eat about 5 and feel good about things. I was eating a lot of apples, but they got old. I need a new go-to fruit! Bananas maybe? Meh. I ate half a can of pineapples for breakfast, but only because I HAD to eat something. I've been doing pretty well about just eating cereal when I get up whether I want it or not, but I'm out of milk. Otherwise I probably wouldn't bother going to the store. Maybe stuff for sandwiches? I like tuna, but I'm not really supposed to eat much of it, so maybe if I got chicken. Canned chicken even! It tastes like tuna. lol. And I really like bread right now. How about some spreadable butter and french bread? God, I'd gain 50 lbs over the pregnancy. A little probably wouldn't hurt though. Maybe just to get my appetite going?
Speaking of which, I thought I was starting to gain some weight back, but I got on the scale this morning and I've lost half of what I'd gained over the past month. Not a bad thing; I've plenty of reserve to burn, but I'm a little afraid I'll balloon or something in the last trimester. I'm definitely gaining some bulk, though it seems denser some days that others. Or closer to the surface of my skin or something. Like, some days my belly is pretty solid. Yesterday, Bobby was poking around and said he couldn't even tell where my uterus was under my squish. It's weird. =/
I suppose that's enough babbling from my decidedly one-track mind. I'm really hungry; now to find something I want to eat.
I think I am going to start collecting clothes. Not much, but it's hard to resist now I know what I'm having. I have been buying random packs of diapers, so it's a little less burdensome down the road. Baby wipes too, but.. uh, Bobby stole them. lol.
I joined a meetup group thing for expectant moms of 2009, but all but 3 (of 30, including me) have already had their baby, so they changed it to just a mom group and they do playdates and park runs. =( Cool and all, but I'm missing an important accessory for the kiddie playground. Soo. Pffft on them.
I need to go to the grocery store to find something to perk up my appetite. I bought some sweet potato chips thinking they'd help, but... meh. The best thing I've found for mid day snacking that I actually want is lil smokies and BBQ sauce. I'll eat about 5 and feel good about things. I was eating a lot of apples, but they got old. I need a new go-to fruit! Bananas maybe? Meh. I ate half a can of pineapples for breakfast, but only because I HAD to eat something. I've been doing pretty well about just eating cereal when I get up whether I want it or not, but I'm out of milk. Otherwise I probably wouldn't bother going to the store. Maybe stuff for sandwiches? I like tuna, but I'm not really supposed to eat much of it, so maybe if I got chicken. Canned chicken even! It tastes like tuna. lol. And I really like bread right now. How about some spreadable butter and french bread? God, I'd gain 50 lbs over the pregnancy. A little probably wouldn't hurt though. Maybe just to get my appetite going?
Speaking of which, I thought I was starting to gain some weight back, but I got on the scale this morning and I've lost half of what I'd gained over the past month. Not a bad thing; I've plenty of reserve to burn, but I'm a little afraid I'll balloon or something in the last trimester. I'm definitely gaining some bulk, though it seems denser some days that others. Or closer to the surface of my skin or something. Like, some days my belly is pretty solid. Yesterday, Bobby was poking around and said he couldn't even tell where my uterus was under my squish. It's weird. =/
I suppose that's enough babbling from my decidedly one-track mind. I'm really hungry; now to find something I want to eat.
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